EPC Contracts and Projects

Comprehensive contracts

Ancor Tecmin offers major EPC contracts with engineering, procurement and construction of process plants and implementation of technologies typical of EW and ER plants.

It has developed skills related to the organization and management of joint ventures or other forms of partnership with companies of external consultants, in order to provide a complete customer service with centralized coordination and professional responsibility of the EPC contracts that has executed.

Our EPC Projects cover under one responsibility and technical and operational guarantees: global engineering service, procurement of major external devices with assembly on-site and constructions associated and interconnections with Ancor Tecmin manufacturing equipment in the areas of Leaching (LX), Solvent Extraction (SX), and Electrowinning (EW) of latest technologies tested from processes and international standards that guarantee the projected production of each Project.

Mantención de Plantas Electrolíticas

Our services, among others:

  • Construction and assembly of major equipment: this service involves the installation of major equipment in the areas of lx, sx and tf (tank farm); ew plant and power plant.
  • Supply and assembly: piping; frp tanks and pumps, etc. in sx-tf and ew equipment; electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic interconnections with its controls, including: HDPE piping, frp tanks, supertank® cells, electrodes, etc.
  • Checks in accordance with specifications, good performance, commissioning and delivery of plant with production of cathodes under regime.
Proyecto EPC 6
Plantas SX/EW - Contratos tipo EPC
Plantas SX/EW - Contratos tipo EPC